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Print Release

Kindly review our printing release, as it provides essential insights into permissible and restricted actions concerning the photographs. This resource will assist you in understanding the do's and don'ts.

I, Robati Iotebatu, of Tini Media Photography am the rightful copyright owner of these digital images/ videos. I give the owner of this digital medium permission to print or publish these files for personal use. The photographer/videographer retains the original copyright. The photographs or videos may be printed or published, but they must not be altered or edited in any way other than by the photographer or videographer. Copyright is violated when changes are made. Commercial use of these photos and videos is prohibited unless proper credit and permission from the photographer/videographer are given. Robati Iotebatu (Tini Media) accepts no responsibility for the print quality, cropping, or colouring of any photos that are not printed directly through Tini Media Photography. Only photos and videos purchased directly from Tini Media are guaranteed to be of high quality. Tini Media Photography appreciates and requests proper credit when publishing photos and videos and using them online (such as putting them on social media platforms). Without my prior consent and proper credit to Tini Media Photography, photos and videos may not be entered into any contest.






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